Welcome to JB’s Man Cave, one site of many, that makes up a large network of web sites I manage. However, the ‘Man Cave’ name is mainly associated with my YouTube Channel of which I hope you will Subscribe for free.
Here, in this site, I will keep most of the audio texts (capturing what is said from my videos) and articles I write which are largely based on the YouTube videos I create. If you are looking to know more about me, JB, as a person, then I suggest starting: HERE.
Most topics surround related or unrelated material such as: traveling, my experiences as a former missionary in the UK, autism, code as in coding, RPGs, the Caribbean and various types of vehicls. I am a realist, minimalist and vegan with something to say.
Facts About Maryland, USA
Hello friends, we're gonna look at the state of Maryland again this time we're going to look at some facts ...
Maryland, USA
Maryland is a state in the USA. Maryland is considered one of the original states and is historic in the ...
Trinidad Carnival 2023 in the Raw
Hello Friends I am driving up a street in Trinidad, an island in the Caribbean and I am not going ...
Fan Submissions to JB’s Man Cave YouTube Channel
As you may know, JB's Man Cave is a diverse YouTube Channel, encompassing places, peoples and opinions. I love raw ...
The Consumer in Trinidad and Tobago
Customer service in Trinidad is known to be bad. In fact, it is so bad that I started a series ...
Top Best & Worst of Trinis
Hello Friends, today we're going to look at the pros and cons of being a Trini. Well every culture, every ...
Couva Trinidad
Hello friends we are in the island of Trinidad which is part of Trinidad and Tobago the country but we're ...
Anthony Harris Dies While Cycling: Hit and Run
You all heard how Anthony Harris died after being hit by a car around the Queen's Park Savannah that NEVER ...
Drive to Toco and Sans Souci in the country of Trinidad and Tobago
Hello Friends! We are here in Valencia, Trinidad and Tobago and we are on our way to Toco and then ...
Ukraine War Short Videos
Do not forget Ukraine... men, women and children still bleed and die because of the Russian invasion. Some silly people ...
End of the World. Will Ukraine Russia War End the World?
What if you woke up tomorrow and just heard that a global event will mean the END OF THE WORLD? ...