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Become a Patron

Do you like the work I do for you? Then, please consider becoming a patron and make a ONE time donation using the form below. Consider this: did you know what got me started in video creation? It was my sons with special needs. I am actually an introvert and very conservative, but you would not think so after seeing my videos, right? That is because I am driven as a father. Your appreciation goes a long way – thank you so much.

One Time Donation:

Please do note: Donations are in US dollars. Please keep in mind you are making a DONATION. You are not hiring or employing me to do anything. I also do not take special requests because of a donation that was made. In general, if you will like me to cover a certain area or issue I MAY consider it and do it on my own timeline, if at all, but your donation does not act as a means to make demands or decide the direction of a video or an article that should be published on any of our sites / channels. Thanks for understanding.

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Thank you so much for your support!

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